Phone: (800) 264-7827 - FAX: (800) 264-6666 - www.star-mfg.com
Star Manufacturing International Inc. - 10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800
S ta r Ma nu f ac tu ri ng In te rn at io na l , In c.Dimensions
(A) (B) (C)
Width Depth Height Approximate Weight
Model No. Inches Inches Inches NEMA Installed Shipping
(cm) (cm) (cm) Voltage Wattage Plug # (kg) (kg)
35SSA 14-3/4” 16-1/2” 15-5/8” 120V 800 5-15P 21 lbs. 30 lbs.
(37.5) (41.9) (39.7) 230V CEE7-7 ( 9.5) (13.5)
70SSA 18-3/4” 16-1/2” 17-5/8” 120V 1000 5-15P 23 lbs. 38 lbs.
(47.6) (41.9) (44.7) 230V CEE7-7 (10.4) (17.1)
Model No. Description
35B Bun Basket for 35SSA-(To convert unit to bun steamer only)
70B Bun Basket for 70SSA-(To convert unit to bun steamer only)
Hot dog steamer is constructed of corrosion resistant stainless steel and has pull down door to provide easy access to hot dogs and buns. Unit
has a stainless steel water pan and is supplied with a convenient front drain valve, low water indicator, juice tray and tempered glass. The unit
is equipped with powerfu tubular immersion type element, adjustable thermostat, on-off switch, and 6 ft. lead in cord with grounded NEMA 5-15P
(CEE7-7 for 230V). Steamer approved by ULS, UL and CUL. Printed in the U.S.A.
Typical Specifications
Model 35SSA & 70SSA
Model No. Hot Dogs Per Load Buns Per Load Water Pan Water Pan with Hot Dog Tray
(Standard Size)
35SSA 170* 18* 11 qts. 9.5 qts.
70SSA 230* 36* 4 qts. 12.5 qts.
*Capacities will vary according to types and brands of hot dogs, bratwurst, etc.
35D Hot Dog Tray-(To convert unit to hot dog steamer only)
70D Hot Dog Tray-(To convert unit to hot dog steamer only)
Due to periodic changes in designs, methods, procedures, policies and regulations, the specifications contained in this sheet are subject to change without notice. While Star
Manufacturing exercises good faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusions reached
as a result of using the specifications. By using the information provided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use.