Model CCOQ-3
Phone: (800) 264-7827 - FAX: (800) 264-6666 - www.star-mfg.com
Star Manufacturing International, Inc. - 10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800
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S ta r Ma nu f a ct ur in g I nt er na ti on al , I nc .
Holman Convection Oven is constructed of highly polished stainless steel with high performance heating element and rear fan,
stainless steel door handle, wire racks and rack slides. Bake chamber is stainless steel. Oven door is double pane tempered glass
and features a heavy-duty hinge mechanism. Thermostat range is 175 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Timer range is 0 minutes to
120 minutes. Oven features a heat indicator light and door interlock switch. Oven holds three 1/4 size baking sheets. Unit is avail-
able in 120V and is shipped with a NEMA 5-15 plug. Printed in the U.S.A.
Model and Specifications
(A) (B) (C) Approximate Weight
Model Width Depth Height Voltage Wattage Amps NEMA Installed
No. Inches Inches Inches Plug Ibs.
(cm) (cm) (cm) (kg)
CCOQ-3 19 21.5 15 120V 1,440 12 NEMA 5-15 47
(48.3) (54.6) (38.1) (21.4)
Typical Specifications