Phone: (800) 264-7827 - FAX: (800) 264-6666 - www.star-mfg.com
Star Manufacturing International Inc. - 10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800
S t a r Ma nu fa cturing I n t e r n at i o n a l, In c. Overall Dimensions
Model Description Width Depth Height Voltage Watts Shipping
No. Inches Inches Inches Weight
CD1PG 1 condiment pump 6-1/2 7 10-1/2 (Body) N/A N/A 7
(1 gallon) 16 (Overall) (3.2)
Fits over gallon jug or #10 tin
CD2P-DM 2 condiment pumps 14 8 6-1/2 (Body) N/A N/A 13
2 1/6th size pans 12-1/2 (Overall) (5.9)
CD2P-3 2 condiment pumps 27 8 6-1/2 (Body) N/A N/A 21
2 1/6th size pans 12-1/2 (Overall) (9.5)
3 1/9th size pans with
brackets for ice packs
3 Blue Ice packs
3 condiment ladles
CD2PG-3 2 condiment pumps 27 8 10-1/2 (Body) N/A N/A 21
3 1/9th size pans with 16 (Overall) (9.5)
brackets for ice packs
3 Blue ice packs
3 condiment ladles
CD3S 3 1/9th size pans -slanted top 14 8 16 N/A N/A 10
with brackets for ice packs (4.5)
3 Blue ice packs
3 condiment ladles
CD3F 3 1/9th size pans -flat top 14 8 6-1/2 (Body) N/A N/A 10
with brackets for ice packs (4.5)
3 Blue ice packs
3 condiment ladles
CD5 5 1/9th size pans with 23 8 16 N/A N/A 21
brackets for ice packs (9.5)
5 Blue Ice packs
5 condiment ladles
PCD-5 Self Contained (5 slots) 23 7 27 N/A N/A 14
PCB-5 Base for PCD-5 23 7 16 N/A N/A 13
* CD2P-3, CD2PG-3, CD3S, CD3F & CD5 include cover for pans.
CDSP Condiment Pump Kit for 1/6th size pans with red & yellow knobs..................................4 (8.8)
CDSP-1G Condiment Pump for 1 gallon plastic jug with red & yellow knobs ..................................4 (8.8)
CD-1P Blue Ice Pack (Pack of 6) ................................................................................................4 (8.8)
CD-L Ladle (Pack of 6) ..............................................................................................................1 (2.2)
Due to periodic changes in designs, methods, procedures, policies and regulations, the specifications contained in this sheet are subject to change without notice. While Star
Manufacturing exercises good faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusions reached
as a result of using the specifications. By using the information provided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use.