S t a r Ma nu fa c t u r i n g I nt er na ti o n a l , I n c .
Dimensions Shipping Shipping Carton
Width Depth Height Weight Width Depth Height
Inches Inches Inches lbs. Inches Inches Inches
Model No. (cm) (cm) (cm) (kg) (cm) (cm) (cm)
QCS2-500 14-1/2 22-3/8 15-5/8 64 20 18-7/8 25-3/8
(36.8) (56.8) (39.7) (29) (50.8) (47.9) (64.4)
QCS2-600H 14-1/2 22-3/8 15-5/8 64 20 18-7/8 25-3/8
(36.8) (56.8) (39.7) (29) (50.8) (47.9) (64.4)
QCS2-800 14-1/2 22-3/8 15-5/8 64 20 18-7/8 25-3/8
(36.8) (56.8) (39.7) (29) (50.8) (47.9) (64.4)
Model No. Production Capacities Product Openings
QCS2-500 up to 350 slices per hour 1-1/2”
QCS2-600H up to 600 slices per hour 3”
QCS2-800 up to 800 slices per hour 1-1/2”
Electrical Data
Heating Elements
Model No. Volts HZ 1 Phase Amps Watts Above Belt Below Belt NEMA
QCS2-500 120 60 14.2 1700 2 2 5-15P(5-20P Canada)
QCS2-600H 208 60 13.5 2800 2 2 6-20P
240 60 11.7 2800 2 2 6-20P
220 50 12.7 2800 2 2 CEE7-7
QCS2-800 208 60 13.5 2800 2 2 6-20P
240 60 11.7 2800 2 2 6-20P
220 50 12.7 2800 2 2 CEE7-7
Conveyor toasters are constructed of corrosion resistant stainless steel. Supplied with heavy-duty motor, drive chain and fast
heat up quartz infrared heaters. Aconveyor belt tension system is supplied for a smooth, quiet operation. Units are supplied
with variable speed control, top and bottom heat control, power saver and high limit switch. Extended conveyor belt, crumb tray,
heated holding area and full width burn guard are standard. Unit has a one-piece cover for easy access with 1" adjustable legs
and a 4' cord. Units are listed with UL, CUL and are UL certified to NSF4. Patent number D459,140. Printed in the U.S.A.
Performance Data
Phone: (800) 264-7827 - FAX: (800) 264-6666 - www.star-mfg.com
Star Manufacturing International Inc. - 10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800
1Can be supplied with metal sheathed heaters (no additional charge), however production will be reduced.
Typical Specifications
Due to periodic changes in designs, methods, procedures, policies and regulations, the specifications contained in this sheet are subject to change without notice. While Star
Manufacturing exercises good faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusions reached as
a result of using the specifications. By using the information provided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use.