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Batteries and charging
The range of your vehicle
Most manufacturers of mobility products state the range of their vehicles
either in the sales literature or within the Owners Manual.
The range stated sometimes differs from manufacturer to manufacturer
even though the battery size is the same. Sunrise Medical measure the
range of their vehicles in a consistent and uniform manner, but variances
still occur due to motor efficiencies and overall product load weight.
The range figures are calculated to I.S.O. Standard 7176, Part 4: Scooter
Energy Consumption Theoretical Range.
This test is carried out in controlled conditions with new, fully charged
batteries, on a level test surface and a user weight of 75kg. The range
figures stated should be seen as a theoretical maximum and could be
reduced if any single, or combination, of the following circumstances occur:
1. User weight heavier than 75kg.
2. Batteries whose age and condition are less than perfect.
3. The terrain is difficult or unsuitable e.g. very hilly, sloping, muddy ground,
gravel, grass, snow and ice.
4. The vehicle climbs ramps regularly.
5. The ambient temperature is very hot or very cold.
6. Damage occurring to one or more tyres.
7. Lots of start/stop driving.
8. Also thick pile carpets within the home can affect range.
All this technical information may seem complicated and a little
daunting, but please remember, that the battery sizes available on
your scooter should give sufficient range to cope with the majority
of customer’s lifestyles.