Check continuity between each of 2 terminals at the back side of AC switch (no-fuse breaker)
while it is mounted on the control panel.
Normally, there is continuity between each of the 2 terminals when the breaker is ON, while no
continuity when the breaker is OFF.
RGV12000 RGV13000T
Disengage connectors on the wires from stator and check the resistance between wires with a
circuit tester, referring to the following specification table.
NOTE : If the circuit tester is not sufficiently accu-
rate, it may not show the values given and
may give erroneous readings.
Erroneous readings will also occur when
there is a wide variation of resistance
among coil windings or when measure-
ment is performed at ambient tempera-
tures different from 20 “c
(68 “F).
Stator coil
Model Hz/Voltage Red-White Black-Blue Black-Red White-
Light green Black-White
RGV12000 60/i 20/240 0.11 Q 0.11 Q - 0.37s2 -
RGV13000T 60/l 20/208 0.23Q - 0.23R - 0.23 Q