The Sunbeam Water Filter and Chiller features a micro-fine 0.5 micron carbon block filter which
removes contaminants from water that can cause bad taste and odour, as well as being harmful
to your health.
Some of the potential contaminants of concern are listed below, along with the sources of each
and their potential health effects.
Safe, clean drinking waterContaminant Source Health Effect
& Giardia)
(a common pesticide)
Lead can enter your water from lead
plumbing, lead solder and brass alloy
Main source is from animal faeces
containing the cysts. Run off carries
cysts into lakes and rivers.
A hard shell protects these micro-
organisms from the chlorine
Chemicals can soak through the soil
into ground water, or can be carried
into lakes and rivers by rainwater run
Lead can interfere with red blood
cells, delay physical and mental
development in babies and children,
increase blood pressure and damage
kidneys in adults.
Cysts can cause acute flu like
symptoms that can last one to three
weeks in healthy adults. Effects on
children or the elderly can be more
serious and life threatening for those
with suppressed immune systems
such as cancer patients or HIV/Aids
Lindane has been shown to damage
liver, kidney, nervous system and
immune system in lab animals. At
high levels, it has caused nervous
and circulatory system damage in