during periods of severe freezing temperatures, it is important that
all water be removed from the spa and equipment to protect
against damage from freezing. For expert winterization of your spa,
contact your authorized Portofino dealer.
10.9 Maintaining Water QualityMaintaining the quality of the water within specified limits will serve
to enhance your enjoyment and prolong the life of the spa’s equip-
ment. It is a fairly simple task, but it requires regular attention
because the water chemistry involved is a balance of several
factors. A careless attitude in regard to water maintenance will
result in poor and potentially unhealthy conditions for soaking and
even damage to your spa investment. For specific guidance on
maintaining water quality, consult your authorized Portofino dealer
who can recommend appropriate chemical products for sanitizing
and balancing your spa water.
CAUTION: Never store spa chemicals inside the spa’s
equipment bay.
10.10 Controlling pHpH is a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity of water and is
measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The midpoint of 7 is neutral, above
7 is alkaline, and below 7 is acidic.
In spa water, it is very important to maintain a slightly alkaline
condition of 7.2 to 7.8. Problems become proportionally severe
when this range is exceeded or diminished. A low pH will be corro-
sive to metals in the spa equipment. A high pH will cause minerals
to deposit on the interior surface of the spa and equipment (scaling).
In addition, the ability of the sanitation agents to keep the spa clean
is severely affected as the pH moves beyond the ideal range. Your
Portofino dealer can provide you with any chemicals and instruc-
tions you may need to adjust the pH of your spa water.