Callers can leave a voicemail message when you cannot answer. You can get your voicemail number from your network operator.
To enter your voicemail number
1From standby select Menu > Messaging > Settings
2Enter the voicemail number and select OK.
To call your voicemail service
•From standby press and hold down .
Multiple calls
When call waiting is activated, you can handle multiple calls. A short sound indicates a second call.
To activate call waiting
•From standby select Menu > Settings > Calls > Manage calls > Call waiting > Activate.
To answer a second call
•Select Answer. The ongoing call is put on hold.
To reject a second call
•Select Busy and continue with the ongoing call.
To make a second call
1Select More > Add call. The ongoing call is put on hold.
2 Enter the number and select Call.
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