all installation accessories included
DVR-420™ PenCam
Ink Refills x 3
Operating Instructions
Mini Video Camera
& Recorder
Make your own videos & record to a
built-in 4GB memory stick
Advanced security made easyplug&playsecurity
Memory Stick
Technical Specifications VideoVideo Format AVI
Resolution 352 x 288
Video File Size >500KB per min
RecordingRecording Mode Manual Recording, Continuous
Record Time 6 Hours
GeneralOperating System Windows XP, Vista
Internal Memory 4GB
Backup Type USB
Battery Type Rechargeable Lithium-ion
Charging USB via computer
Battery Charge Approximately 2 hours
Dimensions 5.9” x 0.6” x 0.6” (150mm x 15mm x 15mm)
Weight 1oz, 30g
Playback video on your PC with free media players such as Windows Media Player,
RealPlayer, QuickTime, VLC, winDVD, powerDVD etc.
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