Maintenance and Specifications
LS 2100 Signal Descriptions The following signal descriptions appl y to the connection between the sca nner and the cable,
and are for reference only.
Pin Signal Name Function
2Power This pin is to be connected to the 4.75 to 14 V (4.75 to 14
VDC) power supply. When pin 4 is high, curr ent to operate
the scanner is supplied by pin 1,2 (99 mA @ 5 VDC).
When pin 4 is at ground potential, current into pin 1 and
2 is less than 50 µA.
3 Ground Power supply and signal ground return line.
4Enable When the decode logic senses that the trigger has been
pulled, this input must be driven high (+2.4 to +14 V into
a 10 kilohm load) to power-up the scanner electronics and
turn on the laser and resonating harmonic scan element.
As soon as a decode is su ccessfu lly com pleted, if no deco de
occurs after about 1 second, or when the trigger is
released, this input should float or be driven to ground
(less than 0.4 V) to power-down the scanner.
5 Start of Scan This output synchronizes the decode logic with the
scanner. The output is high when the beam sweeps in one
direction and low when it sweeps in the opposite direc tion.
This open collector signal is capable of sinking 25 mA. An
external pullup resistor may be connected to any voltage
up to 20 V. The frequency of scans is 36 scans/sec.
6 Trigger Switch This output is grounded when the trigger is pulled and
floating when the trigger is release d. The decode log ic uses
this switch to signal that t he op era tor wish es to read a b ar
7 Decode LED This input to the scanner controls the green decode
indicator LED and sounds the beeper. Applying a voltage
of 2.5 V or greater will light the LED. Max imum voltage
that can be app lied to thi s i nput is 15 V. This current
decreases as the voltage is lowered. The decode LED can
be activated with this input even when the scanner is not
operating, providing power is present at pin 2.