P 300STD/FZY/PRO Scanner Product Reference Guide
Buffer DataTo buffer data, Code 39 buffering must be enabled, and a symbol must be read with a space
immediately following the start pattern.
!Unless symbol overflows the transmission buffer, the scanner gives a low/high beep
to indicate successful decode and buffering. See Overfilling Transmission Buffer.
!The scanner adds the message, excluding the leading space, to the transmission
!No transmission occurs.
Clear Transmission BufferTo clear the transmission buffer, read a symbol which contains only a start character, a dash
(minus), and a stop character.
!The scanner issues a short high/low/high beep to signal that the transmi ssion buffer
has been erased, and no transmission has occurred.
!The scanner erases the transmission buffer.
!No transmission occurs.
Clear Buffer
Transmit BufferTo transmit the buffer, read a symbol containing either the first or second condition:
1. Only a start character, a plus (+), and a stop character.
!The scanner signals that the transmission buffer has been sent (a low/high beep).
!The scanner sends the buffer.
!The scanner clears the buffer.
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