PDT 8100 Series
Fail to communi-
cate with IrDA
Distance from
printer is more
than 1 meter (39
Bring the terminal closer to the
printer and attempt communica-
tions again.
Obstruction inter-
fered with com-
Check the path to ensure no ob-
jects were in the way.
Application is not
enabled to run
IrDA printing.
Printer support must be included
with the application to run IrDA
printing on the terminal. See your
System Administrator.
During data com-
munication, no
data was trans-
mitted, or trans-
mitted data was
Terminal re-
moved from cra-
dle or unplugged
from host PC dur-
ing communica-
Replace the terminal in the cradle,
or replace the Synchronization ca-
ble, and re-transmit.
Incorrect cable
configuration. See your System Administrator.
software was in-
correctly installed
or configured.
Perform setup as described in the
PDT 8100 Product Reference
Guide for Pocket PC 2002.
No sound is audi-
ble. Volume setting is
low or turned off. Check the System Volume slider in
the Sounds & Reminders proper-
ties dialog box (under Start/Set-
tings) to make sure the volume is
not turned down.
Problem Cause Solution