Amplifier menu point Balance (BAL)
The ‘BALANCE’ function is used to adjust the balance in volume between the left and
right channels, e.g. if the loudspeakers are not set up symmetrically.
The current setting can be shifted to left or right in small increments using the Õ or Ö
button. The screen shows the pre-amplifier’s current Balance setting, e.g.:
'BAL LR 0' (= stereo centre neutral)
Available adjustment range:
'BAL L 30' (= stereo centre fully left)
'BAL R 30' (= stereo centre fully right).
If the stereo centre is not set to neutral, the offset is shown on the screen
every time you alter the volume, e.g. ‘VOL 27 L’, i.e. the stereo centre is
offset to the left.
Amplifier menu point Treble
Amplifier menu point Bass (tone controls)
The unit features active tone controls which can be used to compensate for adverse
effects on sound quality caused by unfavourable loudspeaker positions or room
The tone controls can be altered over the range:
- 14 dB (less bass / treble)
+14 dB (more bass / treble)
using the Õ and Ö button.
The screen shows the current bass and treble setting of both stereo channels, e.g.
'TREBLE+04' or 'BASS +02'
Amplifier menu point Loudness
The amplifier features a volume-dependent tone control (LOUDNESS), which is designed to
compensate for the frequency-dependent sensitivity of the human ear at very low volumes.
This maintains a balanced impression of sound volume at very low listening levels.
Loudness can be switched off ('OFF') and on ('ON') using the Õ and Ö buttons.