Setting and Storing Data in Memory

The TBF-622 can be operated only if data has been preprogrammed into one of the two Personal keys. Once programmed, tapping a Personal key turns the monitor on. The unit has an automatic shut-down function. If you do not step on the platform after pressing a Personal key, the unit will automatically shut off in about 30 seconds.

The TBF-622 is a personal model for adults with moderately active to inactive lifestyles and for adults with athletic body types. (See p.1.)

1. Turn on the Power

When programming data, use the Orange Set button to turn the unit on. The register numbers (“1 or 2”) will appear and the display will flash.

2. Select a Personal Key

Use the Green Arrow button to select a Personal key, then press the Orange Set button.

3. Select Standard Adult or Athlete Mode

Use the Green Arrow button to specify Standard Adult or Athlete, then press the Orange Set button.

Adult = age 18 or older.

Athlete = adult involved in intense physical activity of at least 10 hours per week and who has a resting heart rate of approximately 60 beats per minute or less. This includes “lifetime of fitness” individuals but excludes “enthusiastic beginners.” (See p.1 for Tanita’s definition of “athlete.”)

4. Select Male or Female

Use the Green Arrow button to select Male or Female, then press the Orange Set button. () Male () Female

5. Specify the HeightUse the Green Arrow button to specify Height. Then press the Orange Set button.

The display will flash all data (Adult/Athlete, Male/Female and Height) for three seconds to confirm the programming. The power will automatically turn off.

Turn the unit on.

Select “1 or 2.”

Store in memory.

Select Standard Adult

Store in memory.

or Athlete.


Select Male

Store in memory.

or Female.


Getting Accurate Readings

To get the most accurate absolute values, readings should be taken without clothing and under consistent conditions of hydration. If you do not undress, always remove your socks or stockings, and be sure the soles of your feet are clean before stepping on the measuring platform. Stand erect on the platform.

Note: An accurate reading will not be possible if the soles of your feet are not clean, or if your knees are bent or you are in a sitting position.

It is best to take readings at the same time each day, preferably in the evening. If doing so is not convenient, remember to wait about three hours after rising, eating, or hard exercise before taking measurements. While readings taken under other conditions may not have the same absolute values, they are accurate for determining the percentage of change as long as the readings are taken in a consistent manner. To monitor progress, compare weight and body fat percentage taken under the same conditions over a period of time.


Specify Height.

Store in memory.

Confirmed data will flash for three seconds.