SX1OS V1.50 Final Release Notes
This document contains additional information and corrections that did not make it into the manual in time.
Manual corrections
Mixer 13:
VGA 11:
The MIDI Activity described, where the MIDI icon blinks the keyboard note, is only active when the slot Input Monitor is ON.
VGA 13:
Note that the
VGA 16:
The name of the new Edit Operation was changed from "Level" to "Gain" after the manual was printed.
VGA 17:
The Gain/Fade Edit Operation is no longer in the
VGA 18:
Note that the selection mode must be Event Selection for shift+alt+M to toggle the mute status of the selected events.
Transport 6:
The description of the
Selecting everything between two points.
It is now possible to select a region of time across all tracks, including Audio, MIDI and Automation. This allows the user to easily do block copy and paste operations on whole sections of a project or song. First Select a region of time, the begin and end registers are used for this operation.
>From the keyboard, press alt+shift+S.
or From the VGA, click on the Edit Menu, "Select Time" entry.
or From the front surface, press and hold SHIFT, then press SELECT in the EDITING section.
New Front surface shortcut.
Pressing and holding the front panel CANCEL button followed by the SELECT button in the EDITING section will unselect all events and tracks. If SHIFT and CANCEL are both pressed, then the above "Select Time" function will still be invoked.
Clip duration display
On the VGA display on the track screen clip browser and clip import panes, the
These values will only differ when the clip's sample rate is different from the current project's rate.
TASCAM SX1OS V1.50 Final Release Notes 1