32 Model C712Operating Procedures
Step 4
Touch the WASH symbol . This will caus e the
cleaning solution in the freezing cylinder to come in
contact with all areas of the freezing cylinder. W ait
at least 5 minutes before proceeding with these
instructions. (See Figure 67.)
Figure 67
Step 5
Place an empty pail beneath the door spouts.
Step 6
Raise the prime plug.
Step 7
When a steady stream of cleaning solution is flowing
from the prime plug opening in the bottom of the
freezer door, open the draw valve. Draw off all the
Step 8
Once the cleaning solution stops flowing from the
door spout, close the draw valve and the prime plug.
Step 9
Touch the WASH symbol , cancelling the W ash
Repeat these steps on the other sid e of the
THE “OFF” POSITION! Failure to follow this
instruction may result in severe personal injury from
hazardous moving parts.
Step 1
Remove the handscrews, freezer door, beater and
scraper blades, and drive shaft with drive shaft s eal
from the freezing cylinder.
Step 2
Remove the scraper blade clips from the scraper
Step 3
Remove the drive shaft seal from each drive shaft .
Step 4
From each pump cylinder, remove the retaining pin,
mix inlet adaptor, valve cap, pump gasket, and the
piston. Remove the o-ring from the piston and valve
Step 5
Remove the freezer door gaskets, front bearings ,
pivot pin, draw handles, draw valves, prime plugs,
and design caps. Remove the o-rings from the draw
Step 6
Remove the pump drive shafts from the drive hubs
in the rear wall of the mix hoppers. (See Figure 68.)
Figure 68