When playing a DAB station you can change the information on the display by changing the display mode.
To change the display mode from the default of Scrolling station text information:
•Press the INFO button repeatedly to cycle through the options listed in the chart below.
*Alarm 1 Status and Alarm 2 Status are only displayed for the alarm(s) that are activated.
DLS (SCROLLING TEXT): This is a scrolling message giving real- time information - song titles, news headlines, etc. PROGRAMME TYPE: This describes (when available) the style of the programme being broadcast.
MULTIPLEX NAME (GROUP NAME): is the name of the DAB Multiplex that is currently tuned.
TIME & DATE: Shows the current time and date. Time and date are updated by broadcasted information.
CHANNEL & FREQUENCY: The multiplex channel number and frequency are displayed.AUDIO BIT RATE: DAB allows broadcasters to vary the BIT RATE (or the amount by which an audio signal can be compressed) depending on the type of broadcast. This enables the amount of stations on a multiplex to be maximised. Speech and News are often broadcast at a lower Bit Rate; music needs a higher Bit Rate for good fidelity.
SIGNAL STRENGTH: This bargraph indicates the quality of the signal being received. The maximum signal strength displayed is indicated by 8 bar segments.
In low signal areas, adjusting the aerial to increase the signal strength indication will improve reception quality.
ALARM 1 STATUS: Briefly displays the status of ALARM 1, then returns to display scrolling text.
ALARM 2 STATUS: Displays the status of ALARM 2, then returns to display scrolling text.
Pressing the INFO button repeatedly when in FM mode will cycle the display through the available FM display options.
*Alarm 1 Status and Alarm 2 Status are only displayed for the alarm(s) that are activated.
RDS (SCROLLING TEXT): This is a scrolling message giving
TIME & DATE: Shows the current time and date. Time and date are updated by broadcasted information.
ALARM 1 STATUS: Briefly displays the status of ALARM 1, then returns to display scrolling text.
ALARM 2 STATUS: Displays the status of ALARM 2, then returns to display scrolling text.