Foryour safety,thisappliancecomplieswiththeapplicablestandardsandregulations:
-Pressurevessel directive
-Materialsincontact with food
•Thisapplianceisdesignedfor domestichouseholduseonly.Incaseofprofessionaluse, inappropriateuseorfailuretocomplywiththeinstructions,themanufactureraccepts noresponsibilityandtheguaranteewill notapply.
•Take timetoreadallof the instructionsandalwaysrefer backtothe"User Guide."
•Just like for any other cooking appliance, always pay close attention to it, especially when using yourpressurecookernear children.
•Neverplace your pressurecookerin a hotoven.
•Alwaysbeverycarefulwhenmovingyourpressurecooker.Nevertouchthehotsurfaces (inparticularmetalparts).Usethehandlesandknobs.Usegloveswherenecessary.
•Check that the handlesof the cooker are fitted correctly.Tighten them if necessary.
•Your pressure cooker cooks using pressure. Scalding injuries may result from incorrect use. Always make sure that your pressure cooker is properly locked before starting it. Refertothesection headed "Locking".
•Always make sure that the selector is in the steam release position before unlocking yourpressurecookerandthe pressure indicatorislowered.
•Never force your pressure cooker open. Always make sure that the pressure inside it hasdropped.Refer to the sectionheaded "Safety".
•Neveruseyourpressurecookerwithoutanyliquidinitasthiswillseriouslydamageit. Alwaysmake sure thereis enough liquidin itduring cooking.
•Use heat source(s)that arein line with the instructionsfor use.
•Never make
•Do not use sea salt in your pressure cooker, add table salt at the end of the cooking time.
•Do notfill the pressurecookermorethan twothirdsfull(maximum fillinglevel).
•Forfoodthatexpandsduringcooking,likericeordriedvegetablesorstewedfruit,never you’re your pressure cooker more than half full. For some soups made with pumpkin or courgette, let the pressure cooker cool forafew minutesthen coolitincoldwater.
•After cooking meat with a superficial outer skin (e.g. tongue...) that may expand with thepressure,neverstabthemeatwhiletheskinlooksswollenforyoumaybescalded. Werecommendthatyoupierce the meatbefore cooking.
•When cooking soft food (split peas, rhubarb...), your pressure cooker should be lightly shaken beforeunlocking sothat the food doesnot spurtout.
•Always make sure that the valves are not blocked before use. Refer to the section headed"Beforecooking".
•Never useryour pressurecookertodeep fry oilunderpressure.
•Nevertakeanyactiononthesafetysystemsotherthanthatwhichisdescribedinthe instructionsfor cleaningand maintenance.
•Only use TEFAL genuine spares designed for your model of appliance. This especially meansusingaTEFALcookerpanandlid.
•Alcohol vapor is flammable. Bring alcohol to the boil for 2 minutes before putting the lidon. Watchoveryourappliancewhenmaking alcoholbased recipes.
•Neveruseyourpressurecookertostoreacidicorsaltyfoodspriortoandaftercooking asthiscandamageyourpressure cooker pan.
•Never put your pressurecookeron a heat source with the handlesfolded.*
•You can use the pan to cook food in without the lid. Do not use the lid if you do not intendthefoodtobe cooked under pressure.
* depending on model