Other timing measurements
Bar Rise Time: Measured
between the 10% and 90%
points on the leading edge of
bar. See element B2.
Amplitude and phase measurements
Sync Amplitude Error:
Measured as the difference
between the sampled sync
pulse amplitude and a nominal
300 mV amplitude. Result
expressed as a % of the nominal
300 mV. Sign is positive if the
sampled sync pulse amplitude
is greater than 300 mV.
Burst Amplitude Error:
Measured as the difference
between the sampled peak-to-
peak amplitude at the center of
burst and a nominal 300 mV
amplitude. Result expressed as
a%of the nominal 300 mV
amplitude. Sign is positive if
the sampled peak-to-peak burst
amplitude exceeds 300 mV.
Chrominance Reference
Amplitude Error: Measured as
the difference between the sam-
pled peak-to-peak amplitude of
the blanking-level chrominance
packet and the normalized
value (0.4 of the measured bar
amplitude). Result expressed as
%of the normalized value. Sign
is positive if the sampled peak-
to-peak amplitude exceeds 280
mV.See element D2 and CCIR
Recommendation 569.
Luminance Bar Amplitude
Error: Measured as the % devi-
ation of the sampled bar ampli-
tude from a nominal value of
700 mV. Sign is positive if the
sampled bar amplitude exceeds
700 mV. See element B2 and
CCIR Recommendation 569.
Luminance Bar Amplitude:
The absolute amplitude of sam-
pled bar. Result expressed as
mV and % of Carrier (if Carrier
is present). See element B2.
Bar Tilt Error: Measured as
the maximum departure of the
bar top from the sampled bar
amplitude at bar center, ex-
cluding the bar portion one
microsecond past the bar leading
edge half-amplitude point and
one microsecond beforethe bar
trailing edge half-amplitude
point. The sign of the difference
is always positive. Result
expressed as a % of sampled bar
amplitude. See element B2 and
CCIR Recommendation 567.
Blanking Level: Measured as
the mean level over 32 sampled
lines of 16 samples centered
around the back porch. Result
expressed as % of Carrier. Not
measured if Carrier not present
in the vertical interval.
2T Pulse K-factor: Measured as
the greatest weighted amplitude
of a positive-going or negative-
going echo-term half-wave
which is within one microsec-
ond beforethe 2T pulse leading
edge half-amplitude point or
within one microsecond after
the 2T pulse trailing edge
half-amplitude point. Result
expressed as a K-factor, which
is the ratio of the weighted
amplitude of the echo-term
half-wave to the sampled
amplitude of the 2T pulse.
The weighting is based on the
graticule shown in Figure 29a
of CCIR Recommendation 567.
See element B1.
Elements B1 and B2 (CCIR Recommendation 567).