
Section 3 will describe in detail the functions contained in each of the menus.






FG Menu

Each section will describe menu functions in the following order:

￿Menu Structure. Each menu will be shown in a diagram listing the menu items from left to right, with the highest menu level on the left and the lowest menu level on the right. There are three types of menus: the bottom menu, the side menu and the sub-menus. An ellipsis (...) in a side menu item indicates that it has a sub-menu. If a menu has many levels, there will be a ªDescriptionº section at the beginning which shows the detailed menu configurations for that function.

￿Menu Functions. This is a list showing the menu functions and the number of the page on which you can find a description of that function.

￿CRT Display. This shows a typical screen for that menu and a brief explanation.

￿Description. This section gives a detailed explanation of the functions in each menu. It includes examples with step-by-step instructions showing how the function is used. Menu items in the text are shown in a bold typeface.

Menu Items Available With Each Editing Function

More When the side menu consists of two or more pages, this item is used to display the next page. In the example shown at left, the side menu being displayed consists of three pages and the first page is currently being displayed.

Go Back This item is displayed when you select a side menu item that has a sub-menu. It allows you to escape from the sub-menu and return to the side menu level. (The CLEAR MENU bezel button can also be used for this purpose.)

AWG2021 User Manual

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