￿Interpolation. The data is re-sampled when shifting by fractional amounts. Data values between data points are acquired by interpolation. The Inter- polation item selects the interpolation method used. The following two options are provided.

Linear interpolation

Quadratic interpolation

Linear interpolation is appropriate if the original waveform consists of straight lines, such as triangle or square waves. However, the peaks in waveforms with extremely sharp peaks may be flattened somewhat.

Quadratic interpolation is appropriate for waveforms with curves, such as sine waves. However, in waveforms with extremely sharp peaks, some peaks may become wider.

Linear Interpolation. Figure 3 -55 provides an overview of linear interpola- tion. If the point X2 is shifted to the left by 0.2, the new value is calculated by interpolating with the next point to the left.






X2' X2


Figure 3 ￿55: Linear Interpolation

If the coordinate of the shifted point is X2 ', then the value of the point Y2 ' is given by the following formula.

Y￿2 + 0.2 Y1 ) (1 * 0.2) Y2

Quadratic Interpolation. Figure 3 -56 provides an overview of quadratic interpolation. If the point X2 is shifted to the left by 0.2, the new value is calculated by interpolating using three points, the shifted point itself and the preceding and following points.

AWG2021 User Manual

3 ￿75