(right) parenthesis. When there are two arguments ± for example, range, max, min ± they are separated with a ,(comma).

￿Variables. Here are the variables that can be used in an equation.

t : Time from the head of that range() statement.

x : Variable taking on a value from 0.0 to 1.0 within that range ( ) statement.

v : Variable showing the current value of the waveform data at that position.

￿Operators +, ±, *, /

These add, subtract, multiply, or divide the components. The priorities are the same as usual for these four operators ± * and / have priority over + and



Expresses exponents. Only integers can be raised to a higher power.

^ has the same priority as * and /. Therefore, parentheses are required to give priority to multiplication.


pi * (2^3) * x where 2^3 = two raised to the third power.

￿Comment. Comments are preceded by a number sign (#). When a number sign is entered, all characters after that until the end of the line are treated as a comment. All of the items in the component menu can be used in a comment.

￿Characters. The characters available in the component menu are the letters of the alphabet (a±z) and several symbols (%, $, &, @, A and _ ). These are used in comments.

￿Other items pi, e, k, =,


The circumferential ratio.


Exponent (for an implied 10)

The range for numbers expressed in this scientific notation is from 5.9e±39 to 3.4e38.

Examples: 1e6=1,000,000, 1e±3=0.001

AWG2021 User Manual

3 ￿145