Table of Contents Teledyne API M100E Analyzer Operation Manual
M100E Operation Manual, PN04515
Document PN Rev DCN Change Summary
2011 April 06, Rev F, DCN6048
M100E Operation
04515 F 6048
Administrative corrections in Revision History
section: typos.
2011 March 11, Rev E, DCN6019
M100E Operation
04515 E 6019
Combine with M100E “Text” (PN05138) for single
document/PN; obsolete 05138.
Change Disk-on-Module replacement procedure
from A-Crosser to ICOP CPU (Mntnc section)
Add MODBUS quick setup to Remote Op section
Add desiccant bag change to maintenance sched.
2009 Dec 15, M100E Manual, PN045150100 Rev D, DCN5637
Top Assy Manual 045150100 D 5637 Initial development of this manual’s top assy
construct, which is the fully assembled manual
comprised of the PDF conversions of all documents
listed in the About This Manual section. Revision
starts at “D” to be in step with Rev History of original
Title/front matter 04515 D 5637 Show current Rev letter of all documents comprising
the top assy of this manual (in About This Manual).
Initiate Revision History
Text 05138 C 5637 Insert new CPU information in place of old, Sections
11.4.1 and and new Fig 11-11.
Replace all occurrences of disk-on-chip (DOC) with
disk-on-module (DOM).
Replace illustrations Fig 5-2, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 7-5. 7-12,
for greater detail and/or clarity.
Revise RS-485 configuration instructions, Sec. 7.1.4,
to reflect new CPU.
Revise Multidrop RS-232 Set-up Instructions, Sec
7.1.7, to reflect E-series parameters.
Add desiccant bag replacement to maintenance
requirements (per DCR 6559)
For the purpose of capturing this manual’s construct with its initial Revision History implementation, the
following list documents the current Rev of each part comprising this manual at Rev D; any future
changes to these documents will be recorded in the Revision History section and their Rev letters
updated in the About This Manual section:
Title 04515 D
Text 05138 C
Relay PCA Addend. 05118 B3
S/W (Rev G.3) (AppxA) 05036 D
04515F DCN6048