Model 200EU-NOy Option Manual Addendum
4.0 CALIBRATION AND ZERO/SPAN CHECKS Unlike most NOx analyzers, the M200EU with the NOy option does not have a sample inlet port on
the rear panel of the 200EU. The sample port is located on the External Converter; therefore zero/span
calibration is different than a normal NOx instrument.
Follow the steps in the M200E/EU manual to:
a. Enter the expected NO and NOx span gas concentrations in the M200EU.
b. Do the zero calibration procedure
c. Do the span calibration procedure
The analyzer always routes the zero/span gas through the external converter. In
standard configuration, the calibration gas needs to be input at the “Cal in” port of the
M501 Pump pack. When Zero/Span valve option is installed, zero and span gases are
to be provided at the 200EU zero and span ports. In all cases, the calibration gas
delivered must be under a small amount of pressure (2-5 psig) to overcome the
resistance of the hoses. Also, there must be no venting of the zero or span gas to
Calibration gas must be provided for both the bypass system and the 200EU analyzer.
Flow requirements are 1.1 LPM for NO bypass, 1.1 LPM for NOx bypass and 1 LPM for
the M200EU. Calibration gas flow must be in sufficient excess (~4 LPM) to prevent any
ambient air from entering the sample port on the pole.
The maximum 50 ft length of tubing between the Bypass Pump Module and the remote moly converter
has been proven to generate too much backpressure for some brands of calibrators. Experience to date
is that while NO calibration is correct, GPT can be incorrect due to errors in dilution of the ozone.
We strongly recommend that SPAN CALIBRATION be done with NO span gas. SPAN CHECKS can
be done with either NO only, NO2 only or a mixture of NO and NO2 (GPT).
Zero air used for all calibration procedures, including GPT, should have <1 ppt NO and NO2, less than
1 ppt of major interferents such as SO2, NH3, hydrocarbons and a dew point of -5oC or less. The
calibration gasses should be from a reliable supplier, since the quality of the tank concentration values
ultimately determines the accuracy of the analyzer.
The M200EU with the NOy Option does NOT have
equivalency approval, and may not be used for EPA
05386 Rev. A 13