1. OVERVIEW The Model T360U is a close derivative of the Model T360 CO Analyzer. The main
differences are as follows:
The optical bench is longer (14 m), making the instrument more sensitive at low CO2
The instrument has a user-selectable full scale range of 0-100 PPB to 0-100 PPM of
The rear panel has an extra pneumatic port for the exhaust of the purge gas to the
GFC wheel.
Because the T360U is a close derivative of T360, the Model T360 Operation Manual
continues to be valid as the reference manual covering the details of the instrument’s
components and operation.
2. SPECIFICATIONS AND AGENCY APPROVALS Table 2-1 presents the specification parameters and values, as well as agency approvals.
Table 2-1. T360U Specifications and Agency Approvals
Ranges User selectable to any full scale range from 0-100 ppb to 0-100 ppm
Measurement Units ppb, ppm, µg/m3, mg/m3 (user selectable)
Zero Noise ≤ 2.5 ppb RMS(1)
Span Noise < 0.5% of reading RMS over 5 ppm(1) (3)
Lower Detectable Limit < 5 ppb(1)
Zero Drift (24 hours) < 0.25 ppm(2)
Span Drift (24 hours) < 0.5% of reading(2) (4)
Linearity 1% of full scale (5)
Precision 0.5% reading(1) (5)
Lag Time <10 sec(1)
Rise/Fall Time <60 sec to 95%(1)
Sample Flow Rate 800 cc/min. ± 10%
Temperature Range 5 - 40C operating
Humidity Range 0-95% RH, Non-Condensing
Temp Coefficient < 0.05 % of reading per C (5 ppb/C minimum)
Voltage Coefficient < 0.05 % of reading per V
Dimensions (HxWxD) 7" x 17" x 23.5" (178 mm x 432 mm x 597 mm)
Weight 40 lb (18.1 kg)