LEADS Addendum
The Dasibi “Dot” commands form a text-based (ASCII) data protocol that is transmitted between a control computer (XENO data logger in this case) and a calibrator or ambient gas analyzer over an RS-232 connection. The details of the protocol are beyond the scope of this document, but in its simplest form the protocol is based on a two or three digit integer preceded by a control-A and a period (.) and then followed by a “!” and a two digit checksum. For example:
For further information on dot commands please contact TAPI Technical Support.
A Model T700 or 700E equipped with LEADS software can be simultaneously operated over the same COM port using standard TAPI serial data commands and is compatible with APIcom. APIcom versions 3.7.3 and after include an added feature that allows a user to edit, upload and download level tables.
A level is a combination of an action, concentration value, if applicable, an output flow rate and a configuration for one or both of two status output words. Up to twenty levels can be defined and used with the Model T700 or 700E using a range of numbers from 0-98; level 99 is reserved for standby. The actions that are possible with levels include Generate gas, conduct a Gas Phase Titration (GPT), conduct a Gas Phase Titration Pre Set (GPTPS) or Manual operation of the calibrator’s mass flow controllers and, or ozone generator, if installed. Unlike the sequences in a T700/M700/M700E, levels do not include time information such as start time or duration; rather, levels must be executed either by an operator at the calibrator’s front panel or through a serial data operation over the RS-232 or Ethernet ports.
To run an existing defined level press GEN, then LEVL
Then select the desired level by pressing the buttons below the 10’s or 1’s digit and finally the ENTR button.