Operation 7
NOTE: Figure 2 shows a BP-2002 with the switches and jumpers in their factory
default positions. SW5 does not exist on the BP-1002 board.
The Sidetone and Mic Gain adjustment are also accessible behind the screw that holds
the belt clip (callout 5 in Figure 1)
The functions of the internal switches and jumpers are described in Table 2 on page 8.
Sidetone Adjustment (R145)
The sidetone adjustment is accessible either internally (refer to Figure 3) or by
removing the belt clip mounting screw (callout 5 in Figure 1 on page 2).
To adjust the level of your own voice heard in the headphones, tap the Talk button
once to turn ON the headset microphone. Then, use a small Phillips head screwdriver
to increase or decrease your voice level while talking into the microphone.
Mic Gain Adjustment (R156)
The Mic Gain Adjustment is accessible internally on the board (R156) (refer to
Figure 3) or by removing the belt clip mounting screw (callout 5 in Figure 1 on
page 2).
FIGURE 2. Internal Switches, Jumpers, and Adjustments