Sec tion
BTR-1 Op er a tion
Ba sic Op er a tional De scrip tion
The BTR-1 is a full du plex (si mul ta neous talk and lis ten) base
sta tion that works in con junc tion with a TR-1 beltpack.
The base sta tion, via the beltpack, al lows com mu ni ca tion with
other wire less or wired us ers. The A, B and C but tons on
beltpack are as signed their func tions at the base sta tion. The
base station also has the abil ity to pro gram the fre quen cies of
the beltpack over-the-air. The sidetone for the base station's lo --
cal head set and the beltpack are also ad justed at the base sta --
If base sta tions are be ing used stand alone (no 2-wire power
sup ply) but in ter con nected via the 2W in ter con nect cables, all
used in ter com chan nels must be loaded or a loud squeal may
re sult.
Sys tem Quick Start
The fol low ing is a list to quickly get a base sta tion and
beltpack op er at ing.
1. En sure the base station and beltpack are of the same
fre quency bands.
2. At tach an ten nas to base sta tion.
3. Pow er -up the base sta tion.
4. Press <MENU> + <SET> + <UP> + <DOWN> on the
base sta tion once it is pow ered up.
5. Load the base sta tion with a AudioCom power sup ply
on in ter coms 1 and 2 or place a load on in ter coms 1
and 2.
6. Press <MENU> as pow er ing-up the beltpack.
7. Set the en cryp tion code on the base sta tion.
8. Set the en cryp tion code on the beltpack to match the
base sta tion.
9. Set the se rial num ber of the base station in the
10. The base should now in di cate a bat tery volt age in di cat -
ing the base sta tion and beltpack are com mu ni cat ing.
11. Plug a head set into the base station and beltpack. Ad -
just the mi cro phone gain on both so the
overmodulation light flashes only on the loud est ex -
pected speech level.