Fine Tuning
Following these recommendations is critical to obtaining optimum results from your speakers.
our Teresonic speakers are among the finest loudspeakers ever designed to offer exceptionally natural
sound and the highest efficiency in its class. Still, fine tuning recommendations and room acoustics
suggestions are imperative to obtaining the best results. For example, selecting the proper room
position for your speakers can dramatically improve their overall performance.
Speaker Placement
Although your Magus speakers may be placed in a wide variety of positions relative to the walls of the room,
including corners of the room, it is still recommended to experiment a bit to achieve optimal results. The
recommended position is Magus on its stand, with speaker’s drivers approximately at the same level as the
listener head /ears/. This rule should be also applied if speakers are positioned on a table or shelf. It is
recommended that speakers are positioned close to the back wall. This back wall loading will improve the bass
response in many rooms. See chapter five for details how to improve the room acoustics.
There is no suggested upper limit for the distances to the walls, even 10 feet to one wall and 15 feet to the other
wall will provide good results. However, regardless of the absolute numbers used, the most even bass response
will be attained if the distances from the side wall and rear wall are not overly similar. The following points
highlight the fundamental concepts in loudspeaker positioning covered in details in the next chapter five:
1. Speakers must be positioned at least 1.5 inches above the table or the shelf surface (if not on
stands). This is best achieved by using the provided spikes (cones) and is absolutely necessary
to allow free airflow through the port – otherwise speakers may not function properly!
2. Speaker’s driver should be approximately at the same level as the listener’s head (ears)
3. Left to right room symmetry aids in producing a balanced image
4. The best bass response will be achieved with speakers positioned close to the back wall
5. Optimal sound stage will be obtained with the distances between speakers up to 8ft (2.5m)