Copyright © 2006 Texas Instruments Incorporated 13
Clearingq%N% j% O
In the MathPrint™ mode, fractions with q can include
operation keys (T, V, etc.) and most function keys (F,
%_, etc.).
In Classic mode, fractions with q do not allow operation
keys, functions, or complex fractions in the numerator or
Note: In Classic mode, data editor, and table, use W to
perform complex division problems.
Calculations using fractions can display fraction or decimal
results, depending on input.
4 D 2 T 3 E <
^ and xÑ% b 3 G2 "T 4
G2 <
-Clears an error message.
Clears characters on entry line.
Moves the cursor to last entry in history
once display is clear.
Backs up one screen in applications.
JDeletes the character at the cursor.
% f Inserts a character at the cursor.
% { Clears variables x, y, z, t, a, b, and c.
% 2
& & -
Resets the TI-30XS MultiView™
calculator. Returns unit to default
settings; clears memory variables,
pending operations, all entries in history,
and statistical data; clears the constant
feature, K, and Ans.