36 | Using the | Geometry |
Have students perform the steps unless otherwise indicated.
1.On the transparency of the dolphin picture, label the x- and
2.Lead the class in a discussion of selecting the first few key points to make a
3.Have students work with partners to complete the dot-
4.On the transparency, label the points in alphabetical order and as ordered pairs
5.Record the coordinates of each of those points on a sheet of paper.
6.Using the
a.Display the List editor.
b.If necessary, clear L1.
$ to highlight L1
: b
c.Starting from the first line in L1 , enter the
d.Now follow the same procedure and enter the
Depending on the level of your students, the dolphin may be in the first quadrant only or it may be in more than one quadrant.
Remember, for a closed figure, the first point’s coordinates need to be reentered as the last point, also.
It is critical that students enter the pairs of numbers in the proper order, because the order entered is the order in which they are plotted. You also need to make sure that both lists in each pair are the same length ( L1 and L2 are the same length).