Probability and Statistics

Activity 12: Which Brand is Best?


d.Select the bar graph Ð (first row, last from left) and continue setting up the plot as in the picture at the right. (DataList2 and DataList3 allow you to do a double or triple bar graph. They are not relevant to this activity, and whatever is listed is okay.)

15.Display the graph.

( J

16.Now move around the graph and see the data.


!and " to view data

17.Have students sketch their graphs on paper for their report (or use TI-73 TI-GRAPH LINKé to print their graphs to color and label).

18.Make a pie chart on the TI-73 showing the percents from the polls.

a.Access the STAT PLOTS menu.

-e (above the & key)

b.Make sure the other plots are off.


c.Select Plot 3.

-e [ b

d.Select the pie chart Ï (second row, first from left) and continue setting up the plot as in the picture at the right.

19.Display the pie chart.


20.Move around the graph and see the data.


!and " to view data