You have just acquired the most advanced and versatile component for the amplification of audio ever to have been developed.
Save all packaging in a dry place away from fire hazards. Your Dreadnaught II is a precision electronic instrument and should be properly packaged any time shipment is made. In the unlikely event that you have to return your Dreadnaught II to the factory for service, or if you send it to us for updating, the original packaging will best protect the unit from shipping damage.
In order to achieve the fullest flexibility and enjoyment from your Dreadnaught II, we at Theta recommend that you read this manual in full before connecting the unit to your audio/video system.
Note: It is imperative that the Dreadnaught II be operated in a well ventilated environment and the immediate external temperature be maintained as specified. External cooling fans may be required in some cases. Do not stack any equipment directly above or below the Dreadnaught II to protect it from overheating, as well as the continued functionality of any equipment near and around it.
Warning: Each channel is a balanced bridge amplifier, thus the negative speaker terminal is NOT a ground, and cannot be connected to a system ground or a loudspeaker system with a common ground. Consult your speaker manufacturer to ensure that any speaker in your system that will be connected to the Dreadnaught II does NOT have internal circuitry with a common ground.
United States law prohibits disposition of these commodities to Libya, Laos, North Korea, Cambodia or Cuba unless otherwise authorized by the United States.
♥2002 Theta Digital Corporation. All rights reserved. Written and Illustrated by Glenn Buckley.
This manual is also available for download as a PDF file at Theta Digital’s website. http://www.thetadigital.com
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Theta Digital Corporation.