Stabilizer Pins
Speakerspositionedon a softsurfacesuchascarpetin-aresableto rock backanclfbrth slightlyandwill vibratein reactronto
| | |
thosetbrcesthe speaker | to movethedriverditrphra-ems(Evt:rv. |
-qenerates | actionhasan equalancloppositereaction.This) speaker |
motioncauses lossof rnusicalinfbnnationandreducestheclaritvof rhemusic.
To elirninatethisetfbct.theTHIEL CS2.2canbe usedwith theprovrdedstabilizerpins.The pinsarepushedinto threepre- drilledholesin tlle baseof eachspeakerThe. pointpenetratesthecarpt'tandallowsthe speakerto restfirntly on the floor underneathThe. threepinsprovidea stablefoundationwhicheliminat('ssomeobscuringof infbrmationandproclucesa cleaner. morearticulatesounclNo. pinsarerequiredwhenplacingthespeakerson hardor smoothsurfaces.
Therearesomeapplicationswherethe stabilizerpinswill nof improrethe soundbut ma1,actuallvmakeit worse.This situation occurswhenthe f-looritselfis not rigid iind therefbrevibrateswhenconnectedto the speakersvia the stabilizerpins.We encourageyou to expenmentto determinewhetheror not this is thecase.
We recommendthatyou determinethepositionof your speiikersbefrtreinsertingthe pointedstabilizerpins.To insertthepins.
t i l t t h e s p e a k e r f b r w a r d a n d p u s h t h e t w o b a c k p i n s i u l l y i n t[o" dt heet : p h o l e s l o c a t e c l i n e a c h b a c k c o r n e r - o t t h e b a s e . T h e n r o c k
the speakerbackrvardandinsertthefiont pin. Finallv.pressfinnly on rhetop of the speakerwith a slightrockingmotionuntil the pinspenetratethecalpetcompletelyTo. checkthtrtthe pinsarefinnly seatedtap. thebackirndsideof the speakerThere.should be no movementandthe speakershouldf'eelsolidlvirr pltrce.
if the speakeris tnovedwith thepins in place.careshouldbetakento lift the speakersstraightup until thepinshaveclearedthe calpet.AIso,tilting the speakerso it'sweightis restingon any singlepin candana-eethe speaker'swoodbase.
Pleasebe cautionedthat the pointedpins can be dangerousif not usedwith care. They can causesmall dentsin hqrd,,lood floors and it is possible to damage carpets if the speakersare moveclincorrectly with the pins in place.
Associated Equipment
The CS2.2is a very highqualitysoundreproducerandwill benefitfiom usewith is extremelyaccurateit. will revealsourcesof distortiongeneratedelsewherein the system.For example,distortionresuitingfiom poorrecordingsor inferiorelectronicswill be reproducedaccuratelyAlso. .the qualityof the interconnectcablesandspeaker cableswill significantlyaffecttheperfonnanceof the system.
Power Requirements
It is importantto haveenoughpowerto play at the levelyou desirewithoutdistortionIf. high soundlevelsaredesired,the CS2.2saredesignedto be usedwith amplifiersratedup to 250 wattsperchannelIf. you play the speakersmoreloudlythanthe volumethe arnplifiercancleanlyproduce,the amplifierwill produceoverloacl(clipping)clistortionThis. clistortionis actually non-musicaladtlitiottulenergvandsinceit is concentratedin thehigh frequencyregionwherethe speakeris leastableto handle it, tweeterscanbe darnagedin extremecases.
Keepin mind that soundclLrctlittisusuallymuchmoreimportantthansoundcluantitt'There.canbe largedifferencesin the sonic peformanceof two amplifiersof equalpower,andthis is moreimportantthernlargedif-ferencesin power.Most everyonewill be happierwith a 50 watt amplifierof high sonicqualitythanwith a 200 u,attamplifierof mediocresonicquality.For thisreason, we feelthereis no substitutetbr listeningto makeyour amplifierdecision.
The question"how muchpowerdo I need?"doesnot havea simpleanswerbecauseit is not determinedonly by the loudspeaker'setficiency,but alsoby the volume desiredandthe sizeo1the room. If all threefactorsareaverage,about-50wattsperchannelis requiredEach.factorcanraiseor lowerthis amountby aboutthreetimes.
I) Usually,peoplewho "don'tlike musicloud" candecreasetheirporverto aboutone-half.Peoplewho like musicloud should increasetheirpowerby two timesor more. Most peoplelall within a normalrange.
2) A speakerwith a low S4dBAV-mefficiencywill requiretwicethepowerof an average87dBAV-mspeakerA. speakerwith a high 90dBflil-mratingwill requireonly half thepowerof an averagespeakerThe. CS2.2is of averageefficiency(86dB)and thereforerequiresan averageamountof power.
3 ) A s m a l lr o o m w i l ln e e d l e s s p o w e r f b r a g i v e n l o u d n e s st hl eavne. rl l a r g e r o o m . A v e r y s mroaollm o fl 0 0 0 c u f t ( l l ' x l l ' with an 8'ceiling)will requireabouthalf thepowerof an averagesizeroom.A lar-eeroomof 6000cu ft (20'x 30'with a l0' ceiling)will requiretwicethe avera-qepower.If the listeningroom is connectedto anotherroomby a largeopenarea,the required powerwill increasebut. not by thethe amountof thecornbinedroom vrtlume.
With all this in rnind.a personwho doesn'tlike to play musicvery loudlyandhasa smallroomcangethigh qualitysoundwith only 20 watts.whereasa personwho sometimesIikesto play loudly in a largeroom may need250 watts.
Cabinet Finish Care
THIEL woodcabinetspossessa high qualitylacquerfinishthatis bothbeautifulanddurableHowever,.any woodfinishcanbe damagedby excessivemoisture,dryness,or directsunlight.Whencleaningyour speakersavoicl.usingoils,waxesor polishesthat
containsilicone,suchasPledgeor Johnson'sWe. recommendusingEndustIf'.y.ouov,rta glossblacklacquetspeaker- . Ttlease
refer to the instuttions inL'ludedwith itsspec,ialcabinetcare kit.
The grillescanbe cleanedofdust by usingan upholsteryattachmentofa vacuumcleaner.