EK22GL Battery-powered, High-speed Crimping Tool
Greenlee Textron / Subsidiary of Textron Inc. 10 4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815/397-7070
Before You Begin
1. Make sure that the battery is charged. Recheck the
battery after several minutes to make sure the
battery is holding its charge.
Tool is inoperative. Dirt, contaminants, etc., in ram area Clean tool.
of tool.
Crimping tool battery contacts Reform contacts.
Tool components worn or damaged. Return tool to an authorized
Greenlee service center.
Dies stop during operation Oil level is low. Check oil level. Refill reservoir.
Air in hydraulic system. Pull trigger and hold retract button
simultaneously. Hold for approximately
10 seconds.
Battery load display flashes Battery charge low. Charge or replace battery.
Tool loses oil. Damaged internal seal. Return tool to an authorized
Greenlee service center.
Oil plug not installed properly. Refill reservoir and replace plug.
2. Use a nonflammable contact cleaner or pencil
eraser to clean the electrical contacts on the battery
and crimping tool.
3. Reinstall the battery and check the tool again.
Probable CauseProblem Probable Remedy