Thule 855 Tem and will encourage safety, Property is excluded, Attached, tightened and locked

Models: 855

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When using Thule Car Racks and accessories, the

Lorsque vous utilisez les supports Thule pour voitures et

Cuando usando parrillas para carros de Thule y sus

user must understand the precautions. The points

leurs accessoires, vous devez observer les précautions

accesorios, uno debe entender las precauciones de

listed below will assist you in using the rack sys-

suivantes. Elles vous permettront d'utiliser le support en

estos. Los puntos sub-siguientes le assistiran en el uso

tem and will encourage safety.

toute sécurité.

de los sistemas de parrillas y fortaleceran su seguri-






Please review the instructions and warranty

Veuillez lire attentivement les instructions et la garantie.


carefully. Assembly and installation are the end

L'utilisateur final est responsable du montage et de l'in-

Por favor revise las instrucciones de uso y la garantia

user’s responsibility and beyond Thule’s control.

stallation qui ne sont pas du ressort de Thule. Cette

cuidadosamente. El ensamble e instalacion de nuestro

Therefore, Thule exclusively limits its warranty to

dernière limite donc exclusivement sa garantie à la répa-

producto son, al final, resposabilidad de quien lo use, y

the repair or replacement of a defective Thule

ration ou au remplacement de ses produits défectueux

fuera del control de Thule. Por lo tanto, Thule limita

product for up to five years from retail purchase.

pendant une période allant jusqu'à cinque ans à compter

exclusivamente su garantia al reparo o reemplazo de

Damage to your vehicle, cargo, or to any person or

de la date d'achat. Ladite garantie exclut tout dégât

productos defectivos de Thule hasta 5 ãnos de la fecha

property is excluded.

éventuel subi par votre véhicule ou votre chargement,

de compra. Daños a su vehiculo, carga, o a qualquier


ainsi que tout dommage corporel ou matériel.

propiedad o persona son excluidos.

• Make sure all knobs, bolts, screws,





straps, and locks are firmly

Avant de prendre la route, assurez-vous que

Asegurese que todas las perillas, pernos, tornillos,

attached, tightened and locked

les molettes, les boulons et les vis sont bien

correas, y seguros esten firmemente sujetos,

before every trip. Knobs, bolts,

serrés, les sangles bien attachées et les

apretados y enganchados antes de cada viaje.

screws, straps, and locks must be

dispositifs de verrouillage fermés à clés.

Perillas, pernos, tornillos, correas y seguros deben

periodically inspected for signs of

Examinez régulièrement ces éléments afin de

ser inspeccionados periodicamente por señales

wear, corrosion, and fatigue. Check

déceler tout signe d'usure, de corrosion ou de

de deterioro, corrosion y fatiga. Examine la carga

your load at stops during the trip to

fatigue. Vérifiez votre chargement à tous les

durante su viaje para asegurar un seguro y

insure continued fastening security.

arrêts pendant votre voyage afin de vous

continuo enganche.

• Remove your Thule rack and

assurer qu'il est bien attaché.

Remueva su parrilla Thule y sus accesorios cuando

accessories when they are not in

Retirez votre support Thule et ses accessoires

no esten siendo usados, y antes de entrar un

use and before entering automatic

lorsque vous ne les utilisez pas et avant de

lava-carro automatico.

car washes.

passer au lave-auto.

Para añadir seguridad a su vehiculo y a su sistema

• For safety to your vehicle and rack

Pour la sécurité de votre véhicule et de votre

de parrillas, obedezca todas las señales de

system, obey all posted speed limits

support, respectez les limites de vitesse et les

velocidad y precauciones de transito. Ajuste su

and traffic cautions. Adapt your

panneaux de signalisation routière. Adaptez

velocidad por las condiciones de los caminos y la

speed to the conditions of the road

votre vitesse en fonction de l'état de la

carga que lleve.

and the load being carried.

N'utilisez pas les supports Thule ni leurs

No use parrillas de Thule y accesorios por otros

• Do not use Thule Car Racks and

accessoires à d'autres fins que celles pour

propositos de los porquales fueron diseñados. No

accessories for purposes other than

lesquelles ils ont été conçus. Ne dépassez

sobrepase la capacidad de transporte de estos. La

those for which they were designed.

pas leur capacité de charge maximale. La

garantia sera cancelada si los puntos o intrucciones

Do not exceed their carrying

garantie sera nulle et non avenue en cas de

mencionados no son seguidos.

capacity. Failure to follow these

non respect de ces consignes et des

Si tiene preguntas en respecto al uso y las

guidelines or the product’s

instructions spécifiques au produit.

limitaciones de los productos Thule, consulte

instructions will void the warranty.

Consultez votre revendeur Thule pour toute

con su vendedor de Thule cercano.

• Consult with your Thule dealer if

question sur le fonctionnement et les limites

Por favor revise todas las instrucciones e

you have any questions regarding

des produits Thule. Lisez attentivement toutes

informacion de la garantia cuidadosamente.

the operations and limits of Thule

les instructions et les informations de la


products. Review all instructions



and warranty information carefully.




















Manufactured in China. Designed in U.S.A.



Fabriqué en Chine. Conçu aux États-Unis.



Fabricado en China. Diseñado en EE.UU.




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Thule 855 Tem and will encourage safety, Property is excluded, Attached, tightened and locked, Insure fastening security

855 specifications

The Thule 855 is a versatile and innovative bike carrier designed for outdoor enthusiasts who seek durability and convenience. This model stands out in the competitive market of bike carriers, offering numerous features that cater to the needs of avid cyclists and adventurers alike.

One of the primary features of the Thule 855 is its ability to securely hold two bikes with a combined weight capacity of up to 60 lbs. This makes it ideal for families or groups who want to transport multiple bicycles. The carrier has adjustable arms, allowing users to customize the fit for different bike sizes, whether they are road bikes, mountain bikes, or hybrid models.

The Thule 855 incorporates advanced technologies that enhance its usability and safety. The patented "Frame clamp" system secures the bikes by gripping the top tube without scratching the finish. Additionally, the integrated locking system ensures that both the bikes and the carrier are safely secured to the vehicle, providing peace of mind during travel.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Thule 855 is its compatibility with various vehicle types. It can be mounted on both hitch and trunk systems, allowing users to choose the best option for their vehicle’s design. The adjustable strap system further enhances its versatility, making it easy to attach and detach without any hassle.

The installation process of the Thule 855 is designed to be user-friendly. With the included clear instructions and all necessary hardware, even those new to bike carriers can set it up quickly. Furthermore, the carrier features a foldable design that reduces its footprint when not in use. This convenience is particularly valuable for individuals with limited storage space.

Another important aspect of the Thule 855 is its aerodynamically designed structure. This design minimizes wind resistance during travel, improving fuel efficiency and reducing noise. The durability of the carrier is evident in its high-quality construction materials, which withstand the rigors of outdoor use and various weather conditions.

In conclusion, the Thule 855 bike carrier is an exemplary choice for those looking to transport their bicycles securely and efficiently. With its strong construction, user-friendly features, and versatile compatibility, it stands out as a valuable asset for any cycling adventure. Whether you're heading out for a weekend getaway or a lengthy road trip, the Thule 855 ensures that your bikes are transported safely and conveniently.