A n sw e rs
The height and shape of desserts may dif-
fer depending on the ingr e d i e n t s.A c c u ra t e
measurement of ingredients is essential to
m a ke delicious dessert .
This can happen as the kneading blade is
d e t a c h a bl e. Use a non-metal utensil to
r e m ove it.
Be sure and stir the dessert when it beeps
2 times at 1:48.
N o, the ingredients will not mix and bake
p r o p e rl y.Most of the recipes have peri s h-
a ble ingredients and you must stir the
i n gredients at 1:48.
N o. If there is too little in the pan, the
kneading blade cannot mix well enough. I f
there is too much, the Bread & Dessert
M a ker will not cook properl y.
Ye s.Be sure to deduct the same measure-
ment of water to equal liquid substitution.
Ye s, egg replacement must be used
because eggs will curdle when making
these recipes.
BEFORE CALLING FOR SERV I C E■D e s s e rt Questions and Answ e rs
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Q u e s t i o n s
W hy does the height and shape
of the desserts va ry ?
The kneading blade comes out
with the dessert .
Can ingredients be halved or
d o u bl e d ?
Can fresh milk be used in
place of dry milk?
Do I have to use egg replacement
in the eggs filling and pudding?
The dessert has a floured cor-
n e r.
Can the timer be used?