14cup oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 eggplants (212to 3 pounds total),
peeled and cut into 1-inch
2 carrots, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp salt
14tsp pepper
1 can (15 ounces) chick peas with
1 can (14 ounces) beef broth
1 can (16 ounces) stewed tomatoes
1 (6-8 pound) leg of lamb
1 TBL Dijon mustard
1 TBL lemon juice
Paprika, garlic powder, and onion
powder to taste
2 cups couscous
1 can or 1 envelope brown gravy
mix prepared as directed
Preheat to 450°
Pour oil in the roasting pan, add
onions and stir. Cover and cook for
5 minutes. Stir in the eggplant.
Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add
the carrots, celery, basil, salt, and
Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Stir
in the chick peas, broth, and
tomatoes. Cover and reduce heat
to 350°.
Combine the mustard and lemon
juice and brush it on both sides of
the lamb. Sprinkle with garlic,
onion, and paprika. Spray the
roasting rack with cooking oil
spray. Place the lamb on the rack.
Insert a meat thermometer into the
center of the lamb, being careful
not to touch the bone. Calculate the
approximate cooking time at
25 minutes per pound. When the
lamb has reached desired
temperature (160° for rare, 170°
for medium, or 180° for well
done), remove the lamb from the
rack and place on a cutting board.
Stir the couscous into the
vegetables, adding 1 to 2 cups of
water. (The couscous will absorb
about 2 cups of liquid.) Stir well to
combine. Cook for 20 minutes.
Slice meat and serve with
vegetable couscous medley and
prepared gravy.
Makes 12 servings