164 Hot Keys/TOSHIBA Cards

Application Cards

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
2Click the “stacked” card on the far right of the display. The
Application Cards are hidden under this card.
The Application Cards appear, and the Hot Key Cards are
stacked under the Card on the far left.

(Sample Image) Application Card display
3Click the Card for the application Card to appear.
4Click the full-size Card to launch the application.
Card Case
The Card Case feature allows you to choose which cards appear in
the Application Card display (see “Using the Application Cards” on
page 163). To use the Card Case:
1Click Start, All Programs, TOSHIBA, Utilities, and then
Settings for Flash Cards.

(Sample Image) Enabling and Disabling Application Cards
2Click the Open cards case button.
3The Card Case displays two rows of Cards.
Cards that appear solid (not transparent) in the bottom row are
enabled and can be selected when the Application Cards are
displayed. The top row contains all of the disabled cards.
4To enable a card, drag it from the top row to the bottom row.
To disable the card, drag it from the bottom row to the top row.
5To close the Card Case, click the icon in the top corner of
the screen.