3.18 Sound/LAN/Modem Test 3 Tests and Diagnostics
Copyright (C) 2000 Acer Laboratories Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Playback Parameters :
Wave File Name = record.wav
Wave Channel Index = 1 (d)
SPDIF On-Off Option = 0 (d)
Play Wave Volume Gain = 15 (d)
When "SPDIF" is "On", Options Listed Below Will Be Ignored:
Sound Track Option
Play Wave Volume Gain
Playing... (Press "s" to Stop)
ALi Audio Device Playback Wave File Done !!!
Press any key to continue...
To execute a subtest continuously, select the test number and press Enter. To
exit the Sound/LAN/Modem test, remove the test program disk from the USB
FDD and turn the computer off.
Subtest 02 DOREMI
The subtest is executed, the following message appears.
Copyright (C) 2000 Acer Laboratories Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Playback Parameters :
Wave File Name = doremi.wav
Wave Channel Index = 1 (d)
SPDIF On-Off Option = 0 (d)
Play Wave Volume Gain = 11 (d)
When "SPDIF" is "On", Options Listed Below Will Be Ignored:
Sound Track Option
Play Wave Volume Gain
Playing... (Press "s" to Stop)
When the sound finished, the following massage appears.
ALi Audio Device Playback Wave File Done !!!
Press any key to continue...
Press any key to continue...
To execute a subtest continuously, select the test number and press Enter. To
exit the Sound/LAN/Modem test, remove the test program disk from the USB
FDD and turn the computer off.
Satellite A20 Maintenance Manual (960-444) 3-47