MAC Filter

M5350 Manual background 3G Mobile Wi-Fi User Guide Manual background

device.) You can rename it as your preference, but the value is limited to 32 characters at most and also it is case-sensitive (For example, TEST is NOT the same as test.). Later on it will displays in the wireless network list searched by your devices.

Enable SSID Broadcast: Select to enable or disable this function. When wireless clients search the local area for wireless networks to associate with, they will detect the SSID broadcast by the device. If you Enable SSID Broadcast, the Wireless device will broadcast its name (SSID) on the air; otherwise, you have to manually type in the SSID and then you can join its network.

Region: Select your region from the drop-down list. This field specifies the region where the wireless function of the device can be used. It may be illegal to use the wireless function of the device in a region other than one of those specified in this field. If your country or region is not listed, please contact your local government agency for assistance.

Channel: This field determines which operating frequency ranging from 1~13 will be used. If you select Auto, then the device will choose the best channel automatically. It is not necessary to change the wireless channel unless you notice interference problems with another nearby access point.

Wireless Mode: You are provided with five wireless modes here: 11b Only, 11g Only, 11n Only, 11bg Mixed and 11bgn Mixed. The default wireless mode is 11bgn Mixed. If your wireless network card didn‟t work well in 11bgn Mixed mode, try 11bg Mixed mode.

Wireless Security: You are provided with two modes of wireless security here: Not Secured, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.

WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK:It‟s the WPA/WPA2 authentication type based on pre-shared pass phrase. It‟s easy to set and secure to use. So it‟s perfect for SOHO users.

WPA Key: The default WPA key is the last 8 characters of IMEI. You can keep it default or enter 8~63 ASCII characters or 8~64 hexadecimal characters as your new WPA key.

WiFi Auto-disable Time: If no clients connect to the device‟s wireless network in a period of time (15 minutes by default), the Wi-Fi will be shut down. You can press the power button to resume the Wi-Fi.

Click Save to save your settings. MAC Filter

The Wireless MAC Address Filtering feature allows you to control the wireless stations accessing the device, which depends on the station's MAC addresses. MAC Address is the physical address of the wireless stations, usually in the format of XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format (X is any hexadecimal digit).


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TP-Link manual M5350 3G Mobile Wi-Fi User Guide, MAC Filter