TD-8816BADSL2/2+ Ethernet Modem User Guide


If you want to make the rule take effect, please select Yes to active the rule.

Step 3: Enter the “Source IP Address”, “Destination IP Address”, “Subnet Mask” and “Port Number” in the corresponding field.

Step 4: Select the Protocol as “TCP” and select the Unmatched rule as “Next”.

Step 5: Finally, click the SAVE to save the entry.

Step 6: Go to Step 2 to configure the next two rules: Block E-mail received by the IP address on your local network; Make the PC with IP address unable to visit the website of IP address


After you complete the IP filter rules for the example, the Filter list will show as follows. You can enter the IP / MAC Filter Set Index to view the information about the rule.

Other configurations for the entries as shown in Figure 4-27:

Enter the IP / MAC Filter Set Index and IP/MAC Filter Rule Index to view or modify the entry.

Enter the IP / MAC Filter Set Index and IP/MAC Filter Rule Index to locate the specific rule, and then click the DELETE button to delete the entry. MAC Filter

Select IP/Mac Filter as the Filter type, and select MAC as the Rule type (shown in Figure 4-28),then you can configure the filter rules based on MAC address.