TD-W8920G 108M Wireless ADSL2+ Router User Guide
recorded in the local memory. If the selected mode is Remote, events will be sent to the
specified IP address and UDP port of the remote system log server. If the selected mode is
Both, events will be sent to the local memory and the remote system log server.
¾ Server IP Address: Type the address of the server you want to record the events.
¾ Server UDP Port: Type the UDP Port of the server.
5.7.3 TR-069 client Choose “Management”Æ“TR-069 client”, you can see the TR-069 client - Configuration screen,
this screen (shown in Figure 5-73).
TR-069(WAN Management Protocol)allows a Auto-Configuration Server (ACS) to perform
auto-configuration, provision, collection, and diagnostics to this device.
Figure 5-73
¾ Inform: You can select the checkbox to disable or enable the Inform Interval.
¾ Inform Interval: Type the interval time of your Router contact with the ACS.
¾ ACS URL: Please accept this information from your ISP. And through ACS
(Auto-Configuration Server) you can perform auto-configuration, provision, collection, and
diagnostics to this router.
¾ ACS User Name: Please accept this User Name information from your ISP.
¾ ACS Password: Please accept the Password information from your ISP.
If you want to log on the ACS, you must owned the ACS User Name and ACS Password.
¾ Connection Request User Name: Type the Connection Request User Name, set it yourself.
¾ Connection Request Password: Type the Connection Request Password, set it yourself.