z On: If the viewer authentication is On, the users will be requested to key-in username and
password when using QuickTime Player to have live viewing.
z Off: If the viewer authentication is Off, you can have live viewing on computer by QuickTime
Player after entering “rtsp://ip:port/video.3gp” on the URL column directly.
¾ Image Size: Image size for 3GPP is 320 x 240 or 160 x 120.
¾ Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the 3GPP image. Choose one between 5 or 10 fps.
¾ Quality:
z Auto: The quality and bit rate will be adjusted automatically according to the frame rate.
z Fixed Quality: This item here can’t be selected.
z Fixed Bitrate: Set the bitrate of 3GPP image transmission for a line. You can select one
among 256Kbps, 128Kbps, 64Kbps, 48Kbps, 32Kbps and 16Kbps.
¾ IP Interval: It’s the ratio of i-frame & p-frame. You can select one among Auto, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60,
and 120. The ratio smaller, the streaming smoother.
) Note:
The IP interval value means a RATIO of “P-frame / I-frame“ in a certain section of frame
sequences. The ratio lower, the live view clear. However, live view will lag if the bandwidth isn’t big
enough. In this situation, you have to choose another bigger IP interval value to solve the problem.
6.2.4 Advanced
¾ White Balance: Choose the white balance among Auto, Florescent, Incandescent, Sunny
and Cloudy.
¾ Lighting: The default setting of lighting environment is Auto. However, you may also choose 50
or 60 Hz upon the lighting environment of your country.
¾ Exposure Mode: Choose Auto, High Speed Mode, or Manual upon the capture environment.