read-only: Management right of the Community is
restricted to read-only, and changes cannot be made to
the corresponding View.
read-write: Management right of the Community is
read-write and changes can be made to the corresponding
MIB View: Select the MIB View for the community to access.
Community Table
Select: Select the desired entry to delete the corresponding Community. It
is multi-optional.
Community Name: Displays the Community Name here.
Access: Displays the right of the Community to access the View.
MIB View: Displays the Views which the Community can access.
Operation: Click the Edit button to modify the MIB View and the Access right
of the Community, and then click the Modify button to apply.
The default MIB View of SNMP Community is viewDefault.
Configuration procedure:
If SNMPv3 is employed, please take the following steps:
Step Operation Description
1 Enable SNMP function globally. Required. On the SNMPSNMP ConfigGlobal
Config page, enable SNMP function globally.
2 Create SNMP View. Required. On the SNMPSNMP ConfigSNMP
View page, create SNMP View of the management
agent. The default View Name is viewDefault and the
default OID is 1.
3 Create SNMP Group. Required. On the SNMPSNMP ConfigSNMP
Group page, create SNMP Group for SNMPv3 and
specify SNMP Views with various access levels for
SNMP Group.
4 Create SNMP User. Required. On the SNMPSNMP ConfigSNMP
User page, create SNMP User in the Group and
configure the auth/privacy mode and auth/privacy
password for the User.