Wireless N USB Adapter User GuideTL-WN827N
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(PBC) method or PIN method. It is recommended that you choose the simplest method that your
AP device supports.
) Note:
To build a successful connection by WPS, you should also do the corresponding configuration of
the Access Point for WPS function meanwhile.
I. PBC Method
If your Access Point is equipped with a push-button for Wi-Fi Protected Setup, you can connect
the adapter to the Access Point by PBC method. Please click the PBC button on the screen as
Figure 3-8 and press the push button on your Access Point device to build the connection.
II. PIN Method
If your Access Point supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) and the PIN method, you can add the
adapter to the network by the following two ways:
1) Enter a PIN from my Access Point
Choose the Config Mode as Registrar and enter the PIN of AP into the field under the Pin Code
as Figure 3-8 shown. And then click PIN button to start the wireless connection without doing any
configuration for AP.
) Note:
The default PIN code of the AP always can be found in its label or User Guide.
2) Enter the PIN into my Access Point
Choose the Config Mode as Enrollee and click the PIN button on the screen as Figure 3-9.
Meanwhile, enter the PIN code of the adapter into the configuration utility of the AP. For the
detailed instructions of the AP configuration, please refer to the User Guide of the AP.
Figure 3-9 WPS - enrollee mode
) Note:
The PIN code of the adapter is displayed on the WPS configuration screen as Figure 3-9 (the
default PIN code for this adapter is 70921984 as Figure 3-9 shown)