TL-WR842ND 300Mbps Multi-Function Wireless N Router
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or more Wlans. If this checkbox is selected, you will have to set the following parameters as
shown in Figure 4-17. Make sure the following settings are correct.
Figure 4-17
¾ SSID(to be bridged) - The SSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a client.
You can also use the search function to select the SSID to join.
¾ BSSID(to be bridged) - The BSSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a
client. You can also use the search function to select the BSSID to join.
¾ Search - Click this button, you can search the AP which runs in the current channel.
¾ Key type - This option should be chosen according to the AP's security configuration. It
is recommended that the security type is the same as your AP's security type
¾ WEP Index - This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP(ASCII) or
WEP(HEX).It indicates the index of the WEP key.
¾ Auth Type - This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP(ASCII) or
WEP(HEX).It indicates the authorization type of the Root AP.
¾ Password - If the AP your Router is going to connect needs password, you need to fill
the password in this blank.
) Note:
If one of SSID (2~3) is enabled, the Enable WDS checkbox will turn gray and cannot be
4.6.2 Wireless Security Choose menu “Wireless → Wireless Security”, you can configure the security settings of your
wireless network.
There are five wireless security modes supported by the Router: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy),
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2), WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key),
WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key).