TRG-TRC001-EN 29
period three
Sensible Heat Ratio
Sensible-heat-ratio lines for other conditions are drawn in the following
manner. Assume that room design conditions are 80°F DB and 60% RH, and
that the SHR is calculated as 0.60.
First, line up the index point with the 0.60 marking on the sensible-heat-ratio
scale and draw a line. Next, draw a second line, parallel to the first, through the
point (B) that represents the design room conditions. This is the 0.60 SHR line
for a room at 80°F DB and 60% RH.
Supply air at C (60°F DB and 58°F WB) will maintain the desired room
conditions, as will supply air at D (70°F DB and 64°F WB). To do so, each of
these combinations will require a different quantity of air.