TRG-TRC001-EN 65
saturation curve This represents the moisture content that constitutes
complete saturation of air at the various dry-bulb temperatures.
saturation point The maximum amount of water vapor that one pound of dry
air can hold at a given dry-bulb temperature.
sensible heat Heat that causes a change in the air’s dry-bulb temperature with
no change in moisture content.
sensible heat ratio (SHR) The ratio of sensible heat gain to total (sensible +
latent) heat gain.
specific volume The volume of one pound of dry air at a specific temperature
and pressure.
supply air Air that is delivered to the conditioned space by mechanical means
for ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification, or dehumidification.
supply duct system A system that transports the primary air from the central
air handler to the VAV terminal units and then on to the space diffusers.
ton of refrigeration A quantity that is equal to 12,000 Btu/hr.
variable-air-volume (VAV) system A type of air-conditioning system that
varies the volume of constant temperature air supplied to meet the changing
load conditions of the space.
wet-bulb temperature A measure of the dryness of the air, obtained by using
a thermometer with a bulb that is covered by a wet wick.